Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Bible Readings... John 16
Highlighted Verse... John 16:12 - I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
Thoughts... Knowing what Jesus was about to go through, the immediate application of Jesus' words are pretty clear; however, the words are just as meaningful to us today. God desires to share so much with us, but knows that we aren't ready to receive it yet. Perhaps that is why we can see new insights in God's Word even after multiple readings. Watchman Nee, Chinese pastor and author, was said to have read the entire New Testament every week for 10 years. My guess is that he found new food for thought each week.
How it impressed me... When I look at the principle behind this verse and it is easy to see how I apply the same concepts to my children... there are some things they are not ready to bear... some things they don't need to know yet... some things that must wait for their experiences to catch up with. And I see that God has been holding back on me, not because he has a secret that he wants to hide from me, but rather that he knows I'm not yet ready for. I long for the day when God will make everything clear, but somehow I think I will no longer be interested in knowledge when I come face to face with the Creator of Knowledge.
My response to God... Mighty God, Omniscient Father, Creator of Knowledge and All Things. I praise you and give you the glory. Open my eyes and heart to your Word. Fill me with your Word that I may see. Help Me.

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