Bible Readings... John 4
Highlighted Verse... John 4:42 - They said to the woman, "We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world."
Thoughts... Centuries before this time, the Samaritans had been led astray by their king so that they no longer faithfully worshipped the God of their father Abraham. They did, however, still have remembrances of the one true God. Now, once they have a chance to have an intimate encounter with God's son they respond in true faith. Meanwhile, the Pharisees (who claimed to worship the true God) were already concerned about Jesus and his impact on their status and position.
How it impressed me... When a person encounters Jesus their true inner self shows through. It is as though the invisble ink that our thoughts are written in is made clearly visible by Jesus' light. The Samaritan's who had been led astray, but desired to worship God are set straight as they see the true God, but the Pharisees who pretend to worship the true God are seen as the self-seekers that they really are. When his light shines on me, what shows?
My response to God... Dear God, take up residence in my heart so that Jesus will only see your reflection when his light is shined on me. Help me to clear your sanctuary of all that is not pure and holy so that you can reside in me. Draw me closer every day.
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