Highlighted Verse... John 11:14-16 - So then he told them plainly, "Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him." Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him."
Thoughts... Lazarus has died and Jesus is taking the apostles with him to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the dead. The apostles in their usual manner of not understanding Jesus think that Lazarus has fallen asleep, so Jesus has to spell it out for them. The apostles are also worried that if Jesus goes back to Jerusalem (just 2 miles from Bethany) that the high priests will capture and kill him. This time it is not Peter who boldly ventures forth at Jesus' prompting, but Thomas who proclaims that they shall all go with him and face the same fate.
How it impressed me... Several different impressions came over me as I read through this portion of scripture. First, I had always remembered Thomas only as "Doubting Thomas" for his role after Christ's resurrection, but we see him here a a different role. How often do I pigeon-hole others based on a single event in their lives without giving them credit for the remainder of their actions. After reading through a couple of more times I start to notice how the apostles who were with Jesus all day, everyday for three years still didn't understand him and needed to be taught. I too fail to understand his call on my life and need his patient instruction. Finally, I wonder if I would have joined him in that trip to Bethany and on to Jerusalem especially given how much he had been talking lately about his death and all of the narrow escapes he had made recently. Would I be Dan the Doubter or Dan the Doer?
My response to God... Patient Lord, help me to see people through your eyes, full of mercy and grace, instead of through my eyes made blind by pride, teach me to walk in your steps and embolden me to follow you wherever the path leads.
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