Monday, September 8, 2008

The Paradox of the Parables

Bible Readings... Luke 19
Highlighted Verse... Luke 19:26 - I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.
Thoughts... Perhaps nothing confuses more than Jesus' treatment of money and the people who have it. In verse 26 we see apparent preferential treatment given to the rich, which is somewhat echoed earlier in the chapter in Zaccheus' story. But in chapter 18 we see how Jesus addressed the rich young ruler who had kept all of the commandments by telling the apostles that it is hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God; and chapter 16 has the parables of the rich man and Lazarus and the shrewd accountant who stole from his master yet was priased. So is it better to be poor or rich in God's eyes?
How it impressed me... Jesus never lets us rest in our own position, whatever it is. Whether we be poor or rich, intelligent or slow, black or white, slave or free... He takes no excuses, but simply calls us to follow Him -- Him alone. If we will follow him, then nothing else matters and if we will not follow him, then nothing else can help us.
My response to God... Father God, help me to choose to follow you above all else. Help me to set aside anything and everything that comes between us, but please be patient with my failures and forgive me my trespasses. Call out to me if I stray, that I would return immediately. Help me to rely on you and your strength to see me through.

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