Bible Readings... John 18
Highlighted Verse... John 18:6 - When Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back and fell to the ground.
Thoughts... The power of Jesus' words are unmistakeable. At the sound of just three words "I AM HE", the detachment of armed Roman soldiers and officials of the high priest drew back and fell to the ground. While it might be possible that the high priests were taken aback when they heard Jesus use words similar to who God told Moses he was -- "I AM", but the Roman soldiers wouldn't have known this, they were strong, fighting men who were knocked off their feet by the spoken word.
How it impressed me... While Jesus often spoke longer sermons when teaching the people about the Kingdom of Heaven or how they should act or what the Father was like, scripture seldom shows how the people reacted to those teachings. However, whenever he spoke directly with just a few words, there seems to be a greater sense of raw power. Consider a few examples... "Come, Follow Me" and Peter and Andrew left their nets to follow him... "Peace, Be Still" and the wind died down and it was completely calm... "Be Thou Clean" and immediately the leprosy departed from him... "Lazarus, Come forth" and Lazarus arose from the dead... "It is finished" and the sins of the world were taken away. I am struck anew by the raw power of Jesus. My God is such an awesome God... with wisdom, power and might.
My response to God... Father of Grace, I long to hear those words of power you spoke to Jesus "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." Guide me in your ways, draw me unto you, that I might receive the power of your love.
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