Bible Readings... Acts 9
Highlighted Verse... Acts 9:4,25,34,40 - He heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"... But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall... Get up and take care of your mat."... "Tabitha, get up."
Thoughts... Jesus' original call to Peter was "Come, Follow Me." Now with Jesus having ascended into heaven, Peter need not wonder what to do next, he just follows what he saw Jesus do. In chapter 9 we see many events unfold that are reminiscent of earlier events. Saul's call to save the Gentiles reminds us of when God called Moses from the burning bush to save the Jews by saying "Moses, Moses." Then Saul is helped to escape from Damascus when they were trying to kill him in the same way that Rahab saved the Jewish spies in the promised land. Peter repeats Jesus' miracles of healing the lame man and raising Lazarus from the tomb.
How it impressed me... God is not looking for us to dream up new approaches to saving his people, he simply calls us to follow him... follow his example... follow his actions... follow his way. He has laid out the task before us and equipped us with the power we need, the only response needed is our obedience.
My response to God... Father God, you have supplied all my needs, help me to respond in obedience to your call and follow after you, to bring your saving grace to those I meet daily.
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