Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wasted Chances

1 Kings 10-13

Solomon's great wisdom served him well in acquiring wealth and leading his people. Unfortunately he had a fatal flaw... throughout his reign, he was apparently without an active prophet who was regularly communicating with God, and without any significant accountability... because he was so wise. Solomon consequently married 700 wives and had 300 concubines. Not smart. He also worshiped their foreign gods, dumber still. Oh, and he built altars and shrines to the other gods. Worst move yet. The Lord was very angry with Solomon and removed his blessing. Sadly, Rehoboam (his son) and Jeroboam (the man chosen by God to be his successor) both waste their opportunities to turn back to God, and instead focus on their selfish goals, thus beginning the demise of God's chosen people. What will we do with the chances that God has bestowed upon us? He has given us the keys to the kingdom, will we use them to lift up God or ourselves?

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