Friday, June 18, 2010

Called to Account

Ezekiel 7-12

God rescued the Israelites, not just from slavery in Egypt, but also from a life of slavery to pagan gods who don't exist. Prior to becoming the chosen people of God, the Israelites were much the same as all the other people of the fertile crescent... and a key part of their existence was worshiping gods made of stone and wood. God changed all that. He opened their eyes to a different way... he set them apart from all the other peoples and made them holy. No wonder then, that as they slid back into their previous habits and worshiped man-made gods, that he became angry with their detestable acts. Ezekiel was sent out to these people bringing the prophetic word of God, but with a difference. Ezekiel was talking to the remnant left behind when the rest of Israel had been carried off into bondage once more. You would have thought that the remnant would have seen the light, but they took the exact opposite path. They incorrectly argued that God wasn't paying them any attention, so they could do whatever they pleased, but God was still very much interested in their actions, and could see them quire well. God told Ezekiel to inform the remnant, that God would find another remnant, that he would rid himself of this detestable remnant.

Good thing that can't happen today, right? Wrong! Jesus clearly enunciated the principle of expecting more from those who had been given more. Christians in the 21st century cannot claim not to know what God expects. We will be called to account just as the ancient Jews were. Will God find us detestable or holy?

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