Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Biblical Comedy

1 Kings 14-18

I especially enjoy the occasional foray into comedy that scripture takes. One of my favorites is the great battle of the prophets which pits 450 prophets of Baal against Elijah, the prophet of God. Elijah, who knows the truth creates a contest and stacks the odds in favor of the prophets of Baal... except for one thing... their god Baal doesn't exist and Elijah's God does. The 450 prophets begin their dance and incantations and what not to no avail.
About noontime Elijah began mocking them. “You’ll have to shout louder,” he scoffed, “for surely he is a god! Perhaps he is daydreaming, or is relieving himself. Or maybe he is away on a trip, or is asleep and needs to be wakened!”
I just love that. God is good... and has a sense of humor too!

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