Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Still Missing the Point

Galatians 1-3

Two thousand years ago, Paul tried to convince the Christians from Galatia that salvation came through faith, not the law. They believed at first and then wanted to backslide into the law. The sad funny part of that is that Christians today still want to depend on the law for their salvation. Too often, those who are growing in the faith take on a love for the law... especially as it relates to other people's behavior. They want to reinstate the 10 commandments as the arbiter of good and evil (probably because they think they have finally mastered them). But Christ and Paul were both very clear... the law has been fulfilled... it is finished. We are no longer bound by the law of sin, but freed by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The law leads to death, and faith to life. Hallelujah!

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