Bible Readings... Romans 1
Highlighted Verse... Romans 1:24-25 - Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Thoughts... Two thousand years and little has changed... how it must break the heart of my Lord when he gives me a choice and I choose something other than him. It is as though any of us can make a motion to set aside the matter that God has placed on the table, and he will second our motion. He sadly agrees to allow us to follow our own path, all the while hoping that we will come back... running to meet us like the Prodigal Son's father. And we, and I... exchange the truth of God for a lie. A lie that tells us that we have a right to this or that, all the while forgetting that God has called us to something better, something higher, something that we cannot even fathom from our lowly perspective, but that if we will take up his promise, his mission, his purpose -- we can fly on the wings of eagles and see his plan and be a part of his kingdom.
My response to God... Father God, forgive me for choosing my way instead of yours, forgive me. Help me to forever put aside everything that is not of you that your purpose will be made complete.
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