Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Slave by Choice

Romans 5-6

My guess is that if you asked 100 people if they would choose to become a slave, all of them would say no (other than a handful of jokingly lewd yeses), but in Romans 6:16, Paul tells us that we all choose to be slaves. "Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?" Due to our human nature, we do not have a choice over whether we will be a slave, but we are free choose our master... sin or God... death or life. Amazingly, many choose death.

Can so many people actually be so wrong? Sadly, they can. They have been deceived in much the same way as Adam and Eve. They have been fed a lie... the lie resonated with them... and they bit. Thankfully, unlike the Garden of Eden, we can choose to repent (turn away) from our previous choice and turn to God. Halleluia!

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