I'm going to try it differently this year. The last several times I attempted to read through the Bible in a year I quit somewhere in the Pentateuch. The basic approach I'm going to use this year is based on a plan I found at http://www.bible-reading.com/bible-plan.html. The plan splits the Bible into 7 parts... The Law, History, Poetry, Psalms, Prophecy, Gospels, and Epistles. The author's thought was that by not getting bogged down in one section, there would be a greater probability of finishing. So here goes...
Isaiah 1-6
I'd forgotten how rich and fresh Isaiah was. It has been several years since I read through Isaiah, but I remember thinking last time that he could be speaking to the the current political/social climate. It is still pertinent, even in the differences...
Right out of the starting gate I was struck by Isaiah 1:3. The people Israel are more thankless than the donkey and ox, for even the animals appreciate their master. We are a fickle lot that thanks in one moment and turns in disdain the next. It happens at all levels... children to parents, political leaders to constituents, workers to employers, and Christians to God. God tells us through Isaiah that he is sick and tired of our actions and the we had better straighten up and fly right.
At Mulder Church, we have just completed our Advent Conspiracy campaign. The campaign slogan is to... Worship Fully, Spend Less. Give More. Love All. Isaiah's staccato words in 1:16-17 remind me of that slogan.
As Isaiah proceeds into Chapter 2, I think of the recent environmental summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. Somehow, I don't think many attendees would agree with Isaiah's statements that "the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem will become the most important place on earth" and that "the Lord will settle international disputes."
I had to smile with recognition (and yet furrow my brow in consternation) as I read in Isaiah 3:12... "O my people, can't you see what fools your rulers are? They are leading you down a pretty garden path to destruction." And yet there is no escaping the Lord's invitation in Chapter 6. "Whom should I send?"
Send Me.
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