Friday, January 15, 2010

Does God Judge the Nations?

Isaiah 12-17

Much has been written about God's role in the world recently due to the earthquake in Haiti and its devastating impact on the people of Haiti. Of those I've read, Dr. Albert Mohler has perhaps captured my thoughts better than I knew them in his recent post Does God Hate Haiti? A short extract is below lest any judge by the title alone...
God does judge the nations -- all of them -- and God will judge the nations. His judgment is perfect and his justice is sure. He rules over all the nations and his sovereign will is demonstrated in the rising and falling of nations and empires and peoples. Every molecule of matter obeys his command, and the earthquakes reveal his reign -- as do the tides of relief and assistance flowing into Haiti right now. A faithful Christian cannot accept the claim that God is a bystander in world events. The Bible clearly claims the sovereign rule of God over all his creation, all of the time. We have no right to claim that God was surprised by the earthquake in Haiti, or to allow that God could not have prevented it from happening.
Today's reading from Isaiah bears out his words. Amidst messages to Babylon, Assyria, Philistia, Moab, Damascus and Israel, we read...
  • "The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken— who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?" Does God judge the nations?
  • “The Lord has built Jerusalem; its walls will give refuge to his oppressed people.” Does God judge the nations?
  • "Their largest cities will be like a deserted forest... It will be utterly desolate. Why? Because you have turned from the God who can save you. You have forgotten the Rock who can hide you." Does God judge the nations?
God does judge the nations, but out of His grace he judges through the life and death of his son. My heart cries out for all who perish, but even more so for those who don't know him. Thankfully, the Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9).

Who do I know who doesn't know Him? How can I introduce them so that they too will know?

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