Friday, May 7, 2010

Housing Bubble

Jeremiah 32-36

When the Babylonians laid siege to the city of Jerusalem, housing prices plummeted. You might well imagine that when a foreign invading army has overtaken a city, suddenly priorities are rearranged... what once was important is no longer and what was once unimportant may take on new significance. To the people of Jerusalem, the Babylonians represented the end of life as they knew it. But God had a special message for Jeremiah. He told Jeremiah to redeem a piece of land... thus showing that things would return to normal and that even though there would be a time of captivity and distress, in time God would fully restore his people to their land, where they would once again buy and sell land. Too bad the king wouldn't listen. His disobedience would cost him everything. Will we listen today?

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