Thursday, May 27, 2010

Giant Taunt

Job 41-42

Since I am not the direct recipient of God's taunt to Job in Chapter 41, I find it humorous. God is asking Job about his relationship with Leviathan... some dragon, or dinosaur, or crocodile. He wants to know just how cozy Job is with Leviathan.
Will it beg you for mercy or implore you for pity? Will it agree to work for you, to be your slave for life? Can you make it a pet like a bird, or give it to your little girls to play with?
Tell me Job, God says, just how much weight do you carry? If you can't take on this king of beasts that I created, why do you feel so confident taking me on?

How easy it is to act big when the object of your taunt is no where to be seen, but in the presence of greatness, the wise are humbled... only a fool would continue on with the taunt. Job is no fool. Job recants... "I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance."

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