Monday, April 19, 2010

Stubbornness Lives On

Exodus 9-12

Reading through the stories of the plagues that struck Egypt, one of the main character traits of Pharaoh that comes through is his stubborn refusal to acknowledge one greater than himself. Pharaoh and indeed all of Egypt paid a great price for his stubbornness. Sadly, many still proudly follow in his footsteps. Seems a new atheist hero emerges regularly, and all too often they hail from Hollywood. Mythbusters co-star Adam Savage is one of the latest. His speech to the Harvard Secular Society sadly contains this comment from a reader... "Adam Savage, among others, is one of the reasons I declared my atheism earlier this year." I assume that Adam will regard that as praise, but to my ears it rings more reminiscent of "It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin."

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