Monday, April 26, 2010

Got Your Back

Exodus 13-16

As the Israelites were departing from Egypt they followed ultimate navigation aid... the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. It was surely comforting to know that even though they had never gone that way before, they could be assured that the one who led them knew the way. I especially like the rear guard that was posted as Pharaoh and his charioteers began to close the gap.
Then the angel of God, who had been leading the people of Israel, moved to the rear of the camp. The pillar of cloud also moved from the front and stood behind them. The cloud settled between the Egyptian and Israelite camps. As darkness fell, the cloud turned to fire, lighting up the night. But the Egyptians and Israelites did not approach each other all night.
Slept like a baby that night even though the Egyptians were just on the other side of the cloud. When the  angel of the Lord and the the pillar of fire have your back, there is true security. Sing to the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously!

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