Monday, March 15, 2010

The Groom's Best Man

Genesis 40-43

Most of the major biblical characters have character flaws that place them clearly in the realm of regular sinners. Even though they have moments of great faith or courage or love... they also display doubt, fear and hatred. When the exceptions appear, they are conspicuous because of their differences. Joseph was just such a man. At every juncture of his recorded life Joseph took the righteous path... oftentimes at great personal cost.  Still, God's ways are unfathomable to me. When I examine Joseph's life, the only flaw that seems even remotely present is pride, yet even that is offset by his tender heart. It is easy to see that God used Joseph like he used Esther, to save his people. Yet in the end, Joseph was always second in command... the "best man" and it was David, a full-blooded sinner, whom God referred to as a "man after mine own heart." Hmm?

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