John 19-21
Pilate could never be confused for a humanitarian. He finds Jesus innocent and yet has him flogged with a lead-tipped whip, crowned with thorns, and beaten by the Roman guards... not exactly the finding of innocence that I would seek. He then brought Jesus out to the Jews. Pilate had to bring Jesus out, because the Jews would not go into Pilate's house because they wanted to stay ritually clean for upcoming Passover during which they would remember God's act in delivering them from bondage to Egypt... not exactly the picture of purity God had in mind when he set forth the covenant. When Pilate hears that Jesus called himself the Son of God, he is afraid and asks Jesus if that is true... but he is far more afraid of what the Jewish leaders might do to him than what the wrath of God might do. In every circumstance, each group of people tried to hedge their bets by leaning in the way of the world, over leaning towards God and his righteousness. In every case, they were just wrong. You'd think we would have learned this lesson for today, but everyday finds a new Christian hedging their bet by leaning in favor of the world instead of trusting in the one who created the world. Will we ever learn? Who will stand up for the Lord? Those precious few who love God with all of their heart, mind, body, and soul. Will you be one?
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