Monday, September 6, 2010


Numbers 13-16

I never tire of reading about Caleb son of Jephunneh. Having explored the land of milk and honey, he found the land good, the inhabitants big, but God bigger. Along with Joshua, he declared that the giant descendants of Anak were helpless prey to the Israelites and their God. He didn't, but he could've said "the bigger they are, the harder they fall." Caleb was righteous and strong as the leader of the clan of Judah when he was 40, and 40 years later, after the rest of his generation has passed on, Caleb was just as tough at 80. He was ready to take on the giants because he knew even more then that his God was bigger than anything that grew in the hills of Hebron. We need more Calebs today. We need more men of God who have confidence that their God is bigger than any problem that faces them.

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