Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blessed Child Remembered

Psalms 114-116

I read the book Blessed Child by Ted Dekker and Bill Bright many years ago. In the book, there is a point where Caleb, a young man with an incredible faith in God, is subjected to a constant barrage of The Smurfs on television. Even though the Smurfs are not evil, the barrage of mindless cheer, saps Caleb of his true strength... his faith. What does this have to do with Psalms 114 - 116? Trying to study the Word and extract God's message while the boys watch Saturday morning Disney TV is nearly impossible. These psalms are not the hardest to understand, but the mindless drivel of Zeke and Luther and other shows distracts.

In Psalm 115, David compares his God to the idols of the others. His conclusion? If your god cannot speak, see, hear, feel, or walk on your behalf, then it cannot do you any good. We may not still have idols carved in wood, stone and precious metal, but today's gods are no less impotent... yet they are still able to steal our hearts. The world will jealously get in the way... if we let it.

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