Sunday, July 18, 2010

Did They Understand?

On Jesus' last night with his disciples, he broke bread and shared a cup with the Passover meal. At the end of the meal, he shared another cup with them then offered them a gift of immeasurable worth. He said... "I now grant you the right to eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom." Wow!

I have a feeling that this phrase meant very little to them at the time, almost as though it were just more words on top of the other words Jesus spoke that night. I wonder if they really understood the gift that Jesus had just bestowed on them. It's not like he never said anything like this before... he had. It is just that when Jesus spoke truth, there was power behind it. It wasn't just a gesture to thank them for their faithfulness. It was the greatest invitation in the history of the world. And the part that's even better, is that the invitation still stands... for us! Hallelujah.

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