Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thy Word

Psalms 119

The psalmist waxes eloquently about the Word, but new ideas keep coming to his mind so it takes him 176 verses to gt it all out. In this the longest chapter of the Bible the psalmist constantly speaks of the Word saying...
  • That it brings joy to those who follow it
  • That he hides it in his heart
  • That he will not forget it
  • That he will meditate on it
  • That it pleases him
  • That he is revived and encouraged by it
  • That he will cling to it
  • That it gives him life
  • That he trusts in it and it gives him hope
  • That he will speak to kings about it and not be ashamed
  • That it is worth more than silver and gold
  • That it is a lamp to his feet
and so much more. Those who truly love the Lord, must  love his word too.

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