Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Great Escape

Acts 11-12

One of my favorite movies growing up was The Great Escape where Steve McQueen "escapes" from a German prison camp many times but is recaptured each time. Likewise I have always liked Peter's escape from jail when the angel leads him out of locked chains and doors to freedom. The irony of poor Rhoda answering the door at prayer meeting being held at Mary's house is so excited that she slams the door of Peter to run in to tell everyone that Peter is at the door.

We too have been set free... maybe not from a jail with armed guards, but from a prison with chains just as surely. Sin holds us in bondage as long as we will let it, but Jesus will set us free. He paid the ransom and we are free to leave... free to live, but here's the kicker, we have to decide to accept the freedom that he bought us.

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