Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Idle Living

2 Thessalonians

Paul, Timothy, and Silas had some harsh words for those who would sit lazily around while others provided for their needs... "Those unwilling to work will not get to eat." He wasn't speaking to the disabled or those otherwise unable to work, but his words would most assuredly apply to many Americans. Our time in Zambia brought home how spoiled we are as a nation in many respects. In Zambia we saw many elderly women earning their daily bread by breaking large rocks into smaller rocks and selling the resulting gravel to concrete block makers. While the standard of living in Zambia is certainly far less than the United States, there is a dignity and joy in the people that speaks much for their biblical approach as compared to our feel-good secular entitlements-driven society. Paul knew well that entitlements might put food in the belly, but they do not lift the recipients up.

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